The Community Health Activities Club organized an Invited Talk on ‘A Sneak Peek into Viral Infections.’ Ms. Greeshma P, Assistant Professor in Biotechnology served as the resource person. The talk was held on 13th of March 2023 at 11 a. m in Smart room 67A of the Science Block of the campus.

Another Invited talk was organized by the Community Health Activities club on the topic ‘Medicinal plants around us.’ The talk was held at 11 a. m on the 15th of March 2023. Ms. Neethu Vijayakumar, Assistant Professor in Botany at Sree Narayana College, Kollam served as the resource person. The talk held in Smart room 67A of the Science Block of the campus was a novel experience to both students and staff as it helped them identify the medicinal value of plants commonly seen around in our daily lives.
