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Environmental Club

The purpose of the club is to create awareness of environmental issues, such as protection, conservation, preservation and restoration, with an emphasis on educating and empowering students. Students who are interested in environmental advocacy and awareness are encouraged to join to provide a sound education in basic science and to promote discovery and learning at all levels of biological organization such as molecular, cellular, organism, and ecosystem. The club also makes the students to recognize the essential roles of science and biology in their lives today and tomorrow.

Nature of activities of Environmental Club
  • The club mainly concentrates on enhancing the Greenery and conserving and documenting the bio-diversity of the campus.

  • The diversity of plants and the lush greenery make the campus a haven for many species of birds and butterflies.

  • All the trees in the campus have been surveyed and documented.

  • Keen to spread the message in the society by conducting awareness programmes to public.

Club Representative

Coordinator: Dr. Prabha Jyothi P S(Physics)


Ms. Devipriya (Botany)

Dr. Remya. A.S (IMB)

Mr. Vishnu. S. L (IMB)

Ms. Sandhya Suresh (Home Science)

Dr. Seema Gopinathan (Home Science)

Ms.Sona .G. Krishnan (Physics)

Related Events

Poster Making Competition

Ozone Day Celebration- Prize Distribution

World Environmental Day Celebration ( June 5,2024)

Awareness Program On Single Use Plastic Ban

Activity Report

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